This guide contains instructions to:
Customization | Description |
Re-encrypt your LUKS-encrypted disk and generate a new volume key | Re-encrypts your Dradis appliance, thereby generating a unique volume key. |
Automatically unlock your LUKs-encrypted drive | Do away with the encrypted drive passphrase when you start up your Dradis Pro instance. |
Change your LUKs-encrypted drive's passphrase | Change the encrypted drive passphrase required when you start up your Dradis Pro instance. |
Change default CIC password | If you want to change the default credentials, this is how you do it. |
Customization | Description |
Set up SSL certificates so that upgrades won't override them | Set up SSL certificates on your Dradis Pro instance so that upgrades won't override them. |
SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt | SSL certificates on your Dradis Pro instance with Let's Encrypt. |
Increase the number of puma threads | Increase the number of puma threads to allow your instance to process more concurrent incoming requests. |
Increase the number of export worker processes | Increase the number of report-generating resque worker processes to export reports even quicker than before. |
Set maximum login attempts | To prevent brute-force attacks, by default each user has 3 login attempts before their account is locked. |
Increase session timeout period | By default it's 15 minutes, but you can adjust it. |
Usage analytics sharing | Opt in or out of sharing the anonymized usage analytics from the Event Log with us. |
Customization | Description |
Configure the Burp-Dradis Extension | Send issues directly from Burp's Scanner into your Dradis project using the REST API. |
Connecting Dradis to MediaWiki | Connect your Dradis Professional appliance to a MediaWiki instance, structure your content, query and import entries from your wiki. |
Reminder: local changes will be overwritten the next time you upgrade. If you make any local changes, make sure to re-apply them every time you upgrade Dradis.
Next help article: Re-encrypt your LUKS-encrypted disk and generate a new volume key →
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