Manage system-wide settings for your Dradis Pro instance on the Settings page. Remember, in order to access or change any of these settings, you must first sign in as Administrator.
Name | Description |
Admin: Emails Node | This is currently not used. |
Admin: Mail Host | The internal host name of the Dradis box, used for creating URLs in emails sent from the app. |
Admin: Max Deleted Inline | This number determines how many items you have to select in a multi-delete operation (e.g. when deleting multiple Issues) before it’s handled by a background worker. |
Admin:Paths: Note Templates | The folder where Note templates are stored. |
Admin:Paths:Templates: Plugins | The folder where Mappings Manager templates are stored. |
Admin:Paths:Templates: Reports | The folder where Report templates are stored. |
Admin:Paths:Templates: Methodologies | The folder where Methodology templates are stored. |
Admin:Paths:Templates: Projects | The folder where Project Templates are stored. |
Admin:Plugins: Uploads Node | The name given to the node used to store uploaded files in each project. |
Admin: Max Login Attempts | Check out the Set maximum login attempts page of this guide that explains how to set the maximum number of login attempts that a user has before being locked out of Dradis. |
Admin: Session Timeout | Check out the Increase session timeout period page of this guide that explains how to set the timeout period for Dradis users. |
Admin: Signups Enabled | Check out the Enabling / Disabling Sign Ups page of this guide that explains how manage sign ups on your Dradis Pro instance. |
Admin: Revision | For internal use, it keeps track of the project content version. |
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