Quality Assurance and Review

Built-in QA features allow you to review items before publishing, enabling team-wide reviews within Dradis.

Set your vulnerabilities, summaries, scope, and more for review

When you create, import, or upload vulnerabilities to Dradis, you can set the QA state of issues. You might want to set a manually created issue to a "Draft" state and a Nessus upload to "Ready for review", and then see at a glance where your vulnerabilities are in the process.

Blocks of content such as executive summaries, scopes, etc. can also have their QA state set, so you know which works are draft works-in-progress and which are ready to review or to publish. Several people working on issues at the same time? One person writing vulnerability descriptions while another is checking for false positives? No problem!

Screenshot of Dradis issues QA states

Review, comment, and update content across teams

Your users can comment on content inside your Dradis projects, and other users will be notified about any comments to content they are mentioned in or subscribed to. That way, an on-site tester can provide real-time feedback on issues, and copywriting users can ask for feedback from technical users on items they are reviewing.

Screenshot of Dradis QA state and comments

Publish your content when it's ready

Export your reviewed and published content as it becomes ready, making sure that items in the drafting or review stages are left out. If management wants a preview of everything found so far, you can publish everything, and if you are using the Gateway, users or the client can see changes in real time and provide comments as they go.

Screenshot of Dradis export page with publishing choices

Deployment that adapts to your needs

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Seven Strategies To Differentiate Your Cybersecurity Consultancy

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to stand out from other cybersecurity consultancies. Often, it's about doing the simple things better, and clearly communicating what sets you apart.

  • Tell your story better
  • Improve your testimonials and case studies
  • Build strategic partnerships

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