Team and Permissions

Only members of your team assigned to the project can view and work on it.

Add users to a project

For a new project

When creating a new project, you can decide who is going to be working on it:

For an existing project

  1. On the projects page, click on the Edit icon:

  2. Under Team, select Click here to manage project users:

  3. Toggle the switch to green next to the correct user to provide access to this project:

    To change the project owner, select the Owner tab and toggle the switch to green next to the correct user:

Seven Strategies To Differentiate Your Cybersecurity Consultancy

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to stand out from other cybersecurity consultancies. Often, it's about doing the simple things better, and clearly communicating what sets you apart.

  • Tell your story better
  • Improve your testimonials and case studies
  • Build strategic partnerships

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