Increase the number of Puma threads

By default, your instance of Dradis ships with two puma threads. Increasing the number of puma threads on your instance gives you more "web server" threads to serve more web requests per second. This can be especially helpful if you have a large team you want multiple workers available to serve incoming requests.

Before making these changes, be sure to take a snapshot and a backup of your Dradis instance.

To increase the number of puma threads:

  1. Open file /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current/script/
  2. Append the following line at the bottom of the file:
    export PUMA_WORKERS=4
  3. Restart the puma processes by running the following in the console as dradispro:
    $ god restart dradispro-puma

Reminder: local changes will be overwritten the next time you upgrade. If you make any local changes, make sure to re-apply them every time you upgrade Dradis.

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