This page contains:
The Affected
content control adds a field to your report that displays a comma-separated list of the nodes affected by each issue. For a vertical list of affected nodes, you can use the AffectedList
The Affected
content control takes the list of affected nodes you're used to seeing on each issue "Evidence tab" in Dradis:
and creates the same list in your report:
The Affected
content control must be applied within an Issue
content control otherwise there is no context for it.
If you haven't done so yet, now would be a good time to review the Issue Content Control section of this guide.
Insert the Affected
content control inside the issue content control on your report template:
content control, add a new Rich Text Content Control.Affected
tag to the title field. (Remember that Word automatically populates the tag if you do not provide one)
control nested within the Issue
Now, after you upload your report template to Dradis, you can export your report and see the list of affected nodes for each issue.
Because the Affected
title is already given meaning within Dradis, you do not have to adjust anything within Dradis in order to include the Affected
content control in your report.
The AffectedList
content control works exactly the same way as the Affected
content control, except that it creates a vertical list (separated by line breaks) instead of a comma-separated list. It works with and without bullet points.
Insert it in your template the same way as you would the Affected
content control:
The AffectedCount
content control counts the number of nodes affected by an issue. This is only a count of the nodes, not of evidence! Therefore, if you have 10 pieces of evidence for an issue affecting 2 nodes, the AffectedList
content control will give a value of 2 in your exported report. If you want to count evidence, consider using an EvidenceCounter content control instead.
Insert the AffectedCount
content control the same way as you would an Affected
or AffectedList
content control. You will not need to adjust anything within Dradis for these content controls to work.
Next help article: EvidenceCounter content control →
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