My tool output won't upload!

Running into errors when you upload tool data to your project? The first step should be to run the upload through the console so that you can get more clues as to the underlying problem.

This guide contains:

Working with Thor

We're going to use Thor to help us run this upload from the command. To see all of the commands available within Thor, run the following commands in the console as dradispro:

$ cd /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current/
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor -T

The output:

Find the command in the output above that corresponds with the type of file you're uploading. Working with a Nessus file? You're going to want thor dradis:plugins:nessus:upload. If you're working with a Burp file, use thor dradis:plugins:burp:upload instead.

Upload tool output from the console

  1. Create an empty project, note down the project ID. You can find the project ID from the browser location bar once you open the project in the main Dradis interface (8 in this example):
  2. SCP the file to /tmp on your Dradis VM.
  3. Run a the following commands in the console as dradispro:
    $ cd /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current
    $ PROJECT_ID=XXXX RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor dradis:plugins:PLUGIN_NAME:upload /tmp/FILENAME

    Make sure to make the following subsitutions:

    • substitute your project ID for XXXX above
    • substitute in the correct PLUGIN_NAME above so that you match the Thor command we just looked up
    • substitute in the correct file name and extension for FILENAME above
  4. Kill the background worker process by running either:
    $ god restart dradispro-resque-1
    $ ps aux | grep resque

Example: Upload a Qualys file from the console

  1. Create an empty project, note down the project ID.
  2. SCP the Qualys file to /tmp on your Dradis VM.
  3. Run the following commands in the console as dradispro:
    $ cd /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current
    $ PROJECT_ID=XXXX RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec thor dradis:plugins:qualys:upload /tmp/qualys.xml

    Make sure to substitute your project ID for XXXX above.

Troubleshooting specific error messages

Trying to rescue from a :length error

If your upload fails with a :length error, you will see a message like the following:

I, [2016-12-30T04:31:50.316542 #16278] INFO -- : => Creating new issue (plugin_id: 10107)
E, [2016-12-30T04:31:50.329825 #16278] ERROR -- : Trying to rescue from a :length error

This error is caused by an entry in your tool upload that is bigger than what our database column allows for. To resolve this error:

  1. Locate the data immediately before the :length error and inspect it. In the example above, we would open the XML file and inspect it for an Issue with plugin_id: 10107
  2. While keeping an eye on the content to make sure you don't lose anything important, delete some of the data that isn't needed. The database column allows for 65k of data which should be plenty.

Next help article: My report isn't exporting! →

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