Pentera with Dradis

Automated Security Validation

  • Upload Pentera JSON to create nodes, issues, evidence, and notes in a security assessment project in Dradis
  • Combine Pentera results with results from other testing tools and automatically discard, group, and update issues
  • Centralize security assessment details and findings and make it simple to collaborate across teams to keep everyone up-to-date
  • Generate high-quality, customized vulnerability or pen test reports that include Pentera findings without hours of manual work

Pentera continuously conducts ethical exploits based on infrastructure vulnerabilities. This integration makes the structure of nodes, issue, and evidence available in Dradis and contain the same information about the hosts, ports, services as the Pentera file.

Ready to use Pentera and Dradis?
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Dradis Pro is a game changer. We use it regularly to track our assessments and gather artifacts for the reports. Before, we had spreadsheets, lots of emails and lots of wasted time. Now, we seamlessly integrate team members, often working remotely, and have gained in efficiency and profitability.”
Allen Harper's picture

Allen Harper

Executive Vice President at Tangible Security

Seven Strategies To Differentiate Your Cybersecurity Consultancy

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to stand out from other cybersecurity consultancies. Often, it's about doing the simple things better, and clearly communicating what sets you apart.

  • Tell your story better
  • Improve your testimonials and case studies
  • Build strategic partnerships

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