Installing Dradis on Cloud9

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Use this guide to install Dradis Community Edition and get up and running in the Cloud9 IDE. Unlike a local installation, you won't be able to take this instance of Dradis offline. But, you'll have access to Dradis anywhere that has an internet connection.

Running Windows and don't have access to Kali Linux? Use Cloud9 to get up and running with Dradis with just your browser, and fast!

Getting started on Cloud9

  1. Sign up for a free account at Cloud9.

    They have premium plans if you're interested in more workspaces or more diskspace. However, to launch and use Dradis, you can use their free account.

  2. From your Cloud9 dashboard, click + Create a new workspace

  3. Give your workspace a name (any name)
    Optionally give your workspace a description

  4. For this guide, we're going to be working with a Hosted workspace. Make sure to select either a Private or a Public workspace.

  5. Enter the following value into the Clone from Git or Mercurial URL field:

  6. Under Choose a template, select the Ruby icon.

  7. Click Create workspace

Get your workspace in order

When your workspace is loaded, you'll be greeted by the following screen:

  1. Run the following in the terminal at the bottom of your screen:

    $ ./bin/setup

  2. Run the following in the terminal at the bottom of your screen:

    $ bundle install

    Troubleshooting this step:

    • If you get a message about
      An error occurred while installing gem-name (1.0.0), and Bundler cannot continue
      It's likely a system-specific dependency issue. The first line of defense is to Google the specific error message to see whether StackOverflow or similar sites offer a solution. If you cannot resolve the issue, let us know in the Community Forums

    • If you get a message like:
      bash: bundle: command not found
      Run the following in your command line before continuing:
      $ gem install bundle

  3. Run the following in the terminal at the bottom of your screen:

    $ ./bin/setup

    Troubleshooting this step: If you get an error message similar to "NoMethodError: undefined method `last_comment' for #<Rake::Application:0x007ff0cf37be38>", you can resolve it by inserting the following content in line #6 of your Rakefile to bypass an issue with Rake version 11:

    # temp fix for NoMethodError: undefined method `last_comment'
    # remove when fixed in Rake 11.x
    module TempFixForRakeLastComment
    def last_comment
    Rake::Application.send :include, TempFixForRakeLastComment
    ### end of temfix

    Credit to StackOverflow for this patch

  4. Run the following in the terminal at the bottom of your screen:

    $ bundle exec rails server -p $PORT -b $IP

  5. In a new tab in your terminal, start the Background worker that is needed to upload and parse tool output by running:
    $ sudo service redis-server start

  6. Navigate to the URL where Dradis is now running! The url requires your workspace name (dradis-ce in this example) and your Cloud9 username (rkorinek in this example). The url uses the following format: [WorkspaceName]-[Cloud9Username]
    Example: https://[workspace]

  7. Configure the shared password by entering it and confirming it:

    Troubleshooting this step: if you encounter an error message like ActionController::UrlGenerationError in HomeController#index
    No route matches {:action=>"init", :controller=>"home"}
    (pictured below) when you navigate to Dradis, go to /setup in your browser.

  8. If you are a new Dradis user, then select No, I'm a new user. That will pre-populate Dradis with some sample content and a starter guide so you can explore the features and functionalities of Dradis. Otherwise, select Yes, I got this! to create a blank Dradis instance.
  9. Create a username, then enter the password you created in step #3:


You did it! You have now completed the installation process are are now running Dradis on Cloud9. Congratulations on making it all the way from git to running on the cloud! Dradis CE will be installed with some sample issues, and a Methodology and some Nodes with instructions designed to familiarize you with Dradis features and functionality.

Next? Check out the rest of the Dradis Community guides.

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