Imagine, you scan a few hundred hosts to create a summary report. You want to show data on ports and operating systems without giving the end user hundreds of pages of data. Enter the “Top 10” script!
Credit for this script idea goes to Chris from I.S. Partners. He reached out via the support inbox to see if we could create a “Top 10” script that would do the following:
Create an array of all of the operating systems, ports/protocols, and services in the project
Deduplicate the arrays and count the number of instances
Narrow down the array to the top 10 based on the number of instances
Update a Content Block in the project with a textile table based on each array
The script assumes that you have a Content Block with the Type field set to “Top10” with the following fields:
Head to our scripting repo and check out the “Top 10” script. To use it:
1. SCP the top10.rb file to your instance (e.g. to the /tmp folder)
2. In the browser, find the project ID of the project that you need to update. For example, if your project lives at /pro/projects/123 in the browser, the ID is 123.
3. Run the following in the command line as “dradispro”: $ cd /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current/ $ RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails runner /tmp/top10.rb <project_id>
You’ll need to sub in your project ID (Step #2 above) for “<project_id>” above! Example:
When the script completes, you’ll see this output in the console:
Port Scanning table updated! Service Enumeration table updated! OS Enumeration table updated!
After running the script, you can refresh the Top 10 content block to see the updated tables:
Chris reported that with their largest Nessus file (125MB), the script was able to perform the calculations successfully in less than 30 seconds. We’re optimistic about a similar script’s performance with your projects.
This script will need to be adjusted to meet your individual team’s specific requirements and preferences. But, we think it’s a promising option for teams who prefer not to use VBA or want to create similar tables in their Word reports.
If you need any help customizing this script to meet your specific use case, please reach out to our support team. Or, if you have ideas for improvements, please fork the repo and post in our users forum.
So you’ve been using Dradis for a while (or maybe you’re a new user — welcome to the community 👋), and you’ve been avoiding the Plugin Manager because it’s been a little intimidating. Its purpose may not have been clear, and the relationship between the Plugin Manager, uploading files, the Rules Engine, and what ends up in a project may have been fuzzy. You uploaded some scanner results, dove into your project, and realized things didn’t appear as expected. Now you’re clicking around trying to figure out what went wrong. Sounds familiar? We’ll admit the Plugin Manager caused some confusion, but you’re in for a treat with Dradis Pro v4.4.0!
We took action to smooth out the friction
Since most of the mystery and confusion seems to be around how changes in the Plugin Manager affect projects and reports, we decided to add a way for users to validate their Plugin Manager configurations. This validation happens on a per-tool basis against any report template uploaded to Dradis. Let’s dive into some of the changes we made and the thought process behind some of those changes.
Improvements to the user interface
Before building out this new feature, we had to figure out where it would live. While deciding on that, we also determined it would be a great time to tidy up the Plugin Manager layout.
When users first landed on the Plugin Manager view, we presented them with some explainer text and an example of how tool output translates to a Dradis note. This wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t exactly super helpful or welcoming.
Some of the issues we identified and set out to improve here were:
Parts of the copy were confusing
The example section wasn’t clear to first-time users
Users didn’t have a sense of direction (what do they need to do next?)
The plugins menu was not labelled or explained (users had to explore by clicking)
The layout wasn’t very consistent with other views in the app
We decided to shuffle the layout around a little to tackle these points and make it more consistent with other views. Most of our views have a page title, the main content area and a sidebar, so we wanted to implement that here as well. Here is an early mock-up with some changes added with a fat marker (Title, subheading, section headers, and a sidebar with some tips).
Overall, the plan was to:
update the copy and move it to a tips panel in the sidebar
change the example section to a vertical layout with some arrows added to show the flow of stages in the process
update the headings of the three stages in the example section to make them clear
add a header to the plugins menu
add some copy (not pictured above) to direct the user to select a plugin from the menu on the left
These changes would bring consistency to the view, enable the user to quickly understand the relation of the three stages in the example, and give the user some direction as to what to do next. This design addresses all five issues we wanted to improve, so we started implementing these changes, and this is the new view as a result:
Addition of Plugin Manager Validation
So far, the above changes are fine and dandy, but they still don’t help users bridge the gap between what they expect in their projects and what they get. This is where the shiny new validation feature comes in.
The idea was to allow users to edit their plugin manager configurations and show them how it will jive with their report template of choice. The validation feature would work by having users select a plugin and a report template. It would show which fields are mapped correctly and which fields are missing. We had internal discussions about the best approach and where we could incorporate validation into the Plugin Manager. Initially, we thought about adding the validation section to the main Plugin Manager view, but we quickly decided against that and thought about a new view dedicated to this new validation feature:
This is the first look at the validation feature design and components. We’ll get into the details a little farther down, but the overall idea is that users select a plugin, select a report template, and they see what’s mapped correctly and what’s not.
This view would show all things related to the validation of the selected plugin, and at first, it seemed like it would work in terms of layout. The view would be consistent with other related views, it would give users all the validation functionality, and it would allow users to edit the plugin’s configuration. However, after further design work and discussing with the team, we realized this implementation would be pretty annoying for users. It would require users to make an edit, come to this validation view, check their validation, realize they need to make further edits, go back to editing, then come back here to re-check their validation… you get the idea, way too much clicking around to get one thing done so back to the drawing board.
Rather than making users navigate away from the validation view to make the edits to the configuration, we figured why not bring the validation feature to the edit view? Another upside of having validation added to the edit view is that we would eliminate the need for users to select which plugin they want to validate. Here is a screenshot of the current edit view for reference:
It’d be pretty crowded if we just dropped that validation section into this view, so we knew we had to make further refinements to the design.
We also had to consider cases where there could be multiple exporters for the selected plugin (i.e. Qualys has Asset, Vuln, and WAS), and each of those exporters could have templates that map to Issues, Evidence, or Notes in Dradis Projects. It can be a bit of a guessing game to know which template maps to issues, notes, or evidence. Here is an example:
The image above shows that Nessus has Report host, Report item, and Evidence templates. Users can guess that Nessus Evidence maps to Evidence in Dradis projects, but what about Report Item or Report Host? We decided to get rid of the guesswork for users. Let’s jump into an early mock-up with some fat markered changes:
This design iteration would:
Remove those long prefixes in the plugins menu to give us some more real estate to work with
Add a selector for Issue, Evidence, and Note (where applicable). This selector makes it easier for users to determine where things will end up in Dradis Projects; no more guessing!
Add the validation feature to the sidebar. This is a more condensed version of what we designed initially, but all of the same info is there, just arranged in a way that would be more effective in a sidebar format.
It’s a good general direction, but dissecting this further, we didn’t like that the preview is now stacked under the editor. This is awkward and inconsistent with every other view where we show previews. This also makes for awkward placement of the save button.
Enter the final design iteration:
We really wanted the editor to be side by side with the preview, but we needed some more space to make the editor and preview usable. Ultimately, we decided to trade the plugin menu on the left for that extra space. Removing the plugin menu enabled us to have the side-by-side layout we wanted. The keen observer may have noticed that this design moves the exporter select menu out of the validation section and into the main content area. We made this change here because users not concerned with validation would still need to select the exporter if they wanted to make edits in the editor. The validation feature is only really concerned about which report template users wish to validate against.
After a few more minor tweaks, we implemented this design and got this final result:
Users are now able to:
Differentiate between Issue, Evidence, and Note templates
Differentiate between multiple exporters
Validate that all fields are mapped accordingly
How to validate your configuration
Now that we have this awesome new feature, let’s take it for a spin. Let’s say you have a report template with some issue/evidence fields defined and your plugin of choice is Burp.
Head over to the Plugin Manager and select Burp from the plugin menu:
Select the template you want to validate:
Then select the exporter (if there are options):
At this point, you will see the selected plugin’s template content and a preview of how it would appear based on some sample Burp output.
Now you can select a report template in the Report Template Validation panel:
A validation check will now be executed, and you will see if any fields are not mapped as expected by the report template you selected. From here, you can make edits in the editor to add those missing fields. As you type, you will see the validation panel update in real-time to show you if the configuration passes validation.
Once you see a green validation checkmark, your configuration is valid. You can start importing tool output into Dradis and exporting reports knowing that fields will appear as expected.
Pretty cool, right?
But wait, there’s more!
Earlier in this blog post, I mentioned that the Rules Engine is involved in all of this, but we haven’t touched on it yet. If you’re not familiar with the Rules Engine, it can be used to manipulate the plugin output before it imports everything into a project. For example, based on user-defined conditions, the Rules Engine can do things like:
Replace the description that comes from the plugin output with a custom description
Change the risk rating
Delete a finding
and much more.
Here is an example of a Rule being created in the Rules Engine:
We have the condition that has to be met on the left and the actions that will be executed on the right.
Up to now, when building conditions, users would have to manually enter the field that the condition would check, but this required knowledge of the plugin manager configuration. This was also prone to user errors as the field name had to exactly match a field in the plugin manager for the selected plugin. Considering that we already have these fields in Plugin Manager, there is no reason to put this burden on the user.
With the changes to Plugin Manager, this seemed like a great time to update the Rules Engine and do something about that pesky field input.
Another issue we tackled was the scalability of this view. With the 2-column setup (conditions on the left and the actions on the right), we found that the arrow in the center would often get misaligned. This arrow guides the user’s flow from one side to the next, but when it gets misaligned, it becomes hard to understand and sometimes, it may even add confusion.
Keeping the above in mind, we set out to design some changes. We wanted to ensure the view could scale well, accommodating both small and large numbers of conditions and actions for each rule. After some experimenting, we decided to flip the layout into a top-down orientation to give it more of a timeline or story-like feel that paints the complete picture for users.
The view would list all conditions at the top, and as users transition their attention down the page, they would flow into the actions. We added some copy to guide the users between the conditions and actions. This layout scales well because regardless of how many conditions and actions there are, nothing gets misaligned and everything stays grouped together. Users start with their attention at the top, then transition towards the bottom with everything they need in between. We gave this design the green light, and after some further tweaks to the design, this is the implementation:
During this updated layout implementation, we also updated the condition boxes. They now have an uploader select to differentiate between the different uploaders a plugin may have (similar to the exporters in Plugin Manager). In addition, the field input has been replaced by a field selector. This Field selector lists all the possible fields based on the corresponding plugin manager configuration. Now users can simply select available fields without knowing what they are ahead of time or ensuring they don’t mistype anything. The action boxes largely remained the same with just a minor tweak to the headers where we now number the actions to convey the order of the actions executing.
Give it a whirl
All of these changes combined make for an easier UI to follow and a less complex UX to upload scanner output, map the fields to Dradis in the Plugin Manager, process the data through the Rules Engine, and get the desired results in projects.
Give v4.4.0 a go and test out these new features yourself. Feel free to experiment with them and share your feedback with us. We’d love to know how you like this new validation feature in the Plugin Manager and the updates to the Rules Engine.
On March 2nd, 2020, we released Tylium, a new layout for Dradis projects replacing the long-lived Snowcrash layout. Let’s go into some of the details of the work that went into designing Tylium.
Dashboard view of the new Tylium layout
I’m Matt Budz, the product designer for Dradis, I help create new Dradis features and re-design some of the older ones that need some TLC.
First, let’s start with some background. Snowcrash has been the layout for Dradis projects since 2013. Some users may remember way back when it was released as part of v1.9. It was a shiny new UI built using the now-ancient Bootstrap 2 with a handful of 3rd-party plugin stylesheets sprinkled on top. Many new features were added over the years, but the look and feel of the app became dated.
Dashboard view of the old Snowcrash layout
My goal was to make the app look more modern and to update it to Bootstrap 4. But what does more modern entail?
I wanted to retain the long-used brand colors for both Dradis CE and Pro editions and adjust the remaining color palette to improve color contrast while ensuring the changes wouldn’t be too jarring for existing users. Increasing on-screen real-estate was a priority during the redesign. Adjusting spacing and incorporating a collapsable sidebar that could move out of the way provided more space. Snowcrash had some inconsistent visual hierarchy, especially around header & paragraph text sizes.
Some elements lacked visual cues to inform users that more information could be seen by scrolling. Additionally, Snowcrash had various cluttered views with a lot of information and action links that could be tucked away and accessed only when needed. I wanted to create an action menu (we call it the dots-menu) that could be used for any resource in virtually any view. I wanted this to have a specific look so that users would be able to recognize that there is something more they can do when they see this menu – like adding, editing, moving, and so on.
I embarked on this re-design journey knowing that I wanted to change the overall layout of the app but not completely re-design the individual partials that are rendered within the layout’s different views. I decided it would be best to work on those as the respective features got updated or other features got added.
Using my design tool of choice, Adobe Xd, I started on the main sidebar and the collapse/expand functionality. I designed this so that the user would expand the sidebar and once they navigated by clicking the links in the sidebar or clicked off the sidebar, it would collapse out of the way. With the sidebar opened, the rest of the view became faded out to bring attention to the floating sidebar. This came with subtle animations for the sidebar width transition, navigation link position, as well as opacity transitions for the node tree and sidebar header. At this point, I also added the new-to-Tylium Dashboard link, so users could easily navigate back to the initial view they are greeted with when they opened the project.
New sidebar style
Next, I moved on to the top navbar. In Snowcrash it was becoming a bit full and offered very limited space for long project names as well as new nav items. It was also visually connected to the sidebar giving the illusion of a smaller workspace for everything else in the project. I wanted to completely separate the navbar from the sidebar so I moved away from using the edition color as the navbar’s background color. In order to save some space, I changed the less-used nav links to round buttons with icons to reduce the total width they took up. I also re-designed the way the search button expanded and behaved to match the new round nav buttons.
Comparison of the old navbar (top) vs the new navbar (bottom)
I worked on the sidebar and navbar while looking at the project dashboard, so naturally, I moved on to the main dashboard area next. I wanted to keep the panels the dashboard had in Snowcrash but with an updated look. Again, I didn’t want to completely re-design any of the partials but I did update things along the way so they would be more cohesive with the new layout. The page heading and the panel headings had to become more distinguishable for one another so I increased the size of the page headers to ensure they wouldn’t be lost with panel headers. I also noticed there was inconsistency with borders and dividers, both in terms of colors and usage. I ensured all borders and dividing lines got the same color and that they were used consistently regardless of the view for a better visual presentation. The panels got a subtle border with rounded corners along with matching underlines for the panel headers. Some other components that got a refresh were the list of issues and the list of recent activities.
Old Dashboard view
New Dashboard view
For better user experience, I wanted the sidebar and navbar to always be visible regardless of the height and width of the view. This meant that only the view content would be scrollable. In order to keep a visual consistency throughout the layout, I used the changes I made to the dashboard to set the tone for all the other views.
Sidebar and navbar with locked position
At this point, I had a decent base for all views in the app but one major component that still needed work. Many of the views utilize a secondary sidebar that lists view-specific collections of items like, attachment uploads and import options. In design, we want the secondary sidebar to flow nicely with the main sidebar. I achieved this flow by making the secondary sidebar background color the same as the main sidebar active item background color. This would give the active sidebar item and the secondary sidebar a visual connection. The views that use a secondary-sidebar needed to match the rest of the app by having the view content sections neatly presented in panels. This meant that sections like Comments, Subscriptions, and so on got their own panel.
Snowcrash secondary sidebar
Tylium secondary sidebar
After all the design was completed it was time to dive into the code and translate the mockups to an actual working layout. Before I could do any of the fun stuff I had to first do the Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 4 migration. This proved to be quite tedious and required every single view file to be touched and restructured the Bootstrap 4 way. All the rows, columns, modals, panels/cards, and more, all had to be revised. Additionally, any JavaScript files using Bootstrap 2 classes had to be updated with Bootstrap 4 classes to maintain functionality. Finally, moving on to CSS files, I realized that over time as new features were added to Snowcrash, more CSS was added but as features were revised or updated, the no-longer-needed CSS was not removed. This resulted in a good amount of unused CSS lingering in the codebase. Furthermore, the custom CSS on top of 3rd party stylesheets resulted in some messy CSS that could have been significantly reduced to achieve the same result. I found many instances of over-specified properties on child elements and re-defined properties that were already defined elsewhere for the same elements. I put off cleaning up the CSS until I had the new Tylium layout in place. I figured some of the CSS could be re-used since the design of the partials rendered in the layout would not significantly change.
With the Bootstrap migration completed and out of the way, I was able to start coding the layout changes I’d designed in Adobe Xd. I implemented the design in roughly the same order as I designed it. I started with the sidebar and navbar, then moved to the main content areas of all views without a secondary-sidebar. I added the panel changes to each section of the views and adjusted things like header styles and font-sizes while utilized SASS variables for easy switching of colors between CE and Pro editions.
Example of Tylium view without a secondary sidebar
Last but not least, I worked on the secondary sidebar and adjusted all the view files that utilized this sidebar and updated panel styles, panel headers, page headers, etc . While coding the secondary-sidebar I quickly realized that it could be taller than the view content itself depending on the collection of items rendered within it. This would cause the view content to be unnecessarily scrollable. To solve this, I locked the secondary sidebar height to match the height of the browser window and made it scroll independently of the main view content. This would also be a more natural behavior in situations where both the secondary sidebar and view content have enough height that they both need to scroll vertically.
Broken: Entire view scrolling with secondary sidebar
Fixed: Secondary sidebar scrolling independently
Another challenge I ran into was caused by a bug where the Bootstrap 4 modals appeared under the modal backdrop rendering all modals useless. After many hours of digging through the code, scratching my head, and growing new strands of grey hair, I turned to StackOverflow. It turns out this is a known Bootstrap 4 issue and the best way to solve it is to render all modals as direct children of the <body> tag. This required a refactor of the way we rendered modals in views.
Broken: Modal under backdrop
Fixed: Modal above backdrop
At this point, the layout had come together nicely and everything was working as expected. Any bugs and quirks that came up along the way were resolved. Just as I was feeling good about it, all kinds of specs in the test suite were failing. I dove into the specs and updated what I knew needed updating based on the layout changes and Bootstrap migration but I noticed I wasn’t getting consistent failures. Some specs would fail sometimes and those same specs would pass other times. I had our developers, Aaron and Brian, step in to take a look. After many hours of debugging and researching, they finally realized the problem had to do with the sidebar toggle animation. The test suite was expecting the sidebar to be opened instantly so it could continue to go through the testing steps but the milliseconds of animation caused the test suite to intermittently break causing failures at different points. Ultimately, the solution was to disable animations for the test suite and all was well.
The last piece of the puzzle was to clean up all that old CSS. I ended up restructuring the CSS using a modified version of the SMACSS methodology. While tediously combing through each stylesheet, I removed unused, redundant, and unnecessary CSS. I was able to further reduce the amount of CSS by improving specificity.
Fun fact: Implementing Tylium modified 290 files and reduced the app’s code by 1871 lines.
GitHub stats
Tylium was finally ready for release. Pleasantly, the new look was generally well-received and as more and more users started to use the updated version of Dradis, we started to get more constructive feedback. Both our internal team and our users realized that the auto-collapsing toolbar created a workflow issue in cases where users needed to frequently switch nodes or manually add many new nodes. I set out to fix this hindrance by eliminating the need to click the sidebar in order to create/navigate nodes. After discussing a few options with the team, the decision was made to have users toggle the sidebar manually. To enable users to keep working regardless of the state of the sidebar, I removed the overlay that faded out the rest of the view. This allowed users to chose if they would like to have the sidebar open or closed and we implemented some logic to remember the sidebar state so users wouldn’t have to toggle it each time they returned to a project. This also helped with seamless navigation between views.
Tylium sidebar v1
Tylium sidebar v2
Overall, the new layout improved the app by:
Increasing screen real-estate by 18-20%
Updating Bootstrap’s version from the historic 2.3.2 to a more current 4.3.1
Improving accessibility by updating the text colors to meet at least Level AA of WCAG 2.0 standards.
Providing users with an app that has a modern look and feel while also increasing their productivity
This entire endeavor started in Oct 2019 with very early rough sketches and spanned about 6 months until it was finally publicly released in March 2020. Huge thanks to the entire team for their help and input throughout the entire process. ✌️
Dradis Framework is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams to manage and deliver the results of security assessments, in less time and with less frustration than manual methods.
Hello, good looking.
Tylium is included with Dradis Pro v3.6 and CE 3.16
We’ve introduced a new project theme for Dradis. Tylium* is more than sprucing up the design with sleek lines and modern styles. It incorporates thoughtful details to improve your workflow and provides us greater flexibility to address your UI feedback moving forward.
This is a big visual change, but you won’t have to hunt for the Dradis items you rely on since they haven’t gone too far from the previous theme, Snowcrash. We’ve minimized the impact on your day-to-day use of Dradis by keeping the feel and flow of the app familiar.
Snowcrash vs Tylium
Tylium optimizes your workspace, keeping the purpose of each view in mind. It adds space where you need more real estate for updating findings and resizes or rearranges elements when you need to see the big picture. An example of this can be seen with the collapsible sidebar that adds roughly 20% more space and keeps all sections of the app quickly accessible, even adding a dashboard link to the project summary.
Now you see it, now you don’t!
As always, we’re eager to hear what you think. If you have feedback on Tylium drop a comment here, send it via email, or share it in Slack.
*It is SOP at Security Roots that we honor our nerdoms where we can. Snowcrash, the previous theme, is a nod to Neal Stephenson’s cyberpunk novel of the same name. Our love of Battlestar Galactica continues on with the new theme, paying homage to the powerful fuel source used in the series – Tylium.
Report Generation Errors
Everyone knows that validating your report before generating it will save you a headache tracking down problems with the report later. Now, the validator is more helpful by providing additional context to help locate the problematic evidence. While we are preventing headaches if your report has errors that are detected during generation the option to download it won’t be displayed.
Oooh, there’s the problem!
Release Notes
Update app to new Tylium layout
Add the ability for kits to update an instance’s Plugin Manager templates
Add revision history for cards
Bugs fixed:
Updated support beacon. Legacy support was dropped for older versions
Fix errors on content overwrite flash messages
Fail and redirect to login instead of raising an error when attempting to log in as a user that has been removed
When a report export is invalid and errors we disable the download button to prevent further errors
Fix the mail initializer not finding existing configuration settings from the db
Fix Cancel link path for the Note Edit page
Fix services_extras not being excluded from Excel exports
Fix Rule checking for non-existent fields
Integration enhancements:
CVSSv3 calculator provides access to all Temporal/Environmental fields
Reporting enhancements:
Add support for ellipsis
Better Evidence references on failed validations
REST/JSON API enhancements:
Add team (team id, team name, team_since) in the teams API endpoint
Security Fixes:
High: Authenticated author can no longer continue to make project changes and will be logged out after being disabled by an admin
Medium: Prevent admins from updating other user’s comments
When the WPScan team approached us in late 2019 offering to create an integration for Dradis, we were excited to work together. What goes together better than a WordPress security scanning tool and an easy way to turn those findings into a customized report? Maybe chocolate and peanut butter, but the Dradis WPScan integration is much more likely to result in a more secure website.
Time to update WordPress 😬
WordPress powers 35% of the Internet’s websites from hobby blogs to Fortune 50 companies. WordPress’ ease of use, well-established community, and extensive plugins offerings (55,457 as of this post) make it an attractive option for creating a presence online. Unfortunately, these same charms also make WordPress an easy and frequent target for attack.
In 2011, while investigating his own blog’s security, Ryan Dewhurst created a script that combined testing for WordPress’ vulnerabilities into a single tool. This script, now WPScan, enumerates usernames, plugins, and themes, performs brute force password attacks, and identifies the version of WordPress on a target.
WPScan contributors went on to create WPVulnDB to manage the ever-growing list of known WordPress vulnerabilities in an online database. When used together, WPScan and WPVulnDB API provide realtime detailed vulnerabilities and recommendations in your scan results.
This new Dradis WPScan integration makes it a snap for you to import the results of your WPScan directly to a Dradis Project. Each target maps to a node within your Dradis project, any vulnerabilities found in a plugin, theme, or setup become Dradis issues, and when evidence is available – like a list of enumerated usernames – it is pulled into Dradis as evidence.
Ready to get started with Dradis and WPScan?
The steps to add the Dradis WPScan integration to Dradis CE or Dradis Pro are similar for both editions.
Add or edit the Gemfile.plugins file. The file locations for each edition is listed below
Dradis Framework is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams to manage and deliver the results of security assessments, in less time and with less frustration than manual methods.
Node Methodology
Add a methodology to a node containing the details appropriate for that node type. Create and apply methodology templates to ensure everyone on the team knows the next steps for that node. Project methodologies are still available; these new methodologies bring the same consistency to nodes.
Merging Nodes
If you have ended up duplicate nodes in your project, you can now merge them and preserve any findings related to that node. The new node merge action moves all associated Notes, Evidence, Attachment, and Activities from the source node into the target node.
Highlight Inside Code Blocks
Call attention to the most important details within a code block. Wrap the section with $${{ }}$$ to highlight it in yellow. The highlights transfer to your final report using styling updated in your report template.
Collapsable Sidebars
If your project has a long list of issues or attachments, it can be unwieldy to quickly access the import fields at the bottom to add more. The sidebars are now collapsable using the chevron at the top of the list and are expanded by default. Issues, Report content, and Nodes received this UI update to help you move through a cleaner interface.
Release Notes
Allow nodes to have an associated methodology
Highlight code snippets.
Better new board form empty name handling
Fix migration paths during database setup
Collapsable sidebar in issues
Collapsable sidebar in report content
Better placeholder syntax in Issuelib
Contributor dashboard redesign
Fix screenshot validator when Textile screenshot links have captions
Add Node merging feature
New coverage: Tester users
Word reports:
Add CodeHighlight style support
Add-on enhancements:
Nexpose: Add risk-score attribute to nodes
Nmap: Add port.service.tunnel field to the port template
Remediation tracker: tickets can be assigned to testers and contributors, and contributors can see their tickets too.
Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you deliver the results of security assessments, in a fraction of the time without the time-wasting frustration of creating manual reports.
What’s new in Dradis Pro v3.3
There are few things more frustrating than losing work in progress when your connection drops, browser crashes, or you close the wrong tab. Dradis now automatically saves your changes every few seconds to help avoid this problem. When you return to work, and auto-saved data is available, restore your work from the browser’s cached version.
Configuration Kits
Get started with Dradis Pro with a click of a button using kits. Use a Dradis kit to set up an instance tailored to your needs just by uploading a single file. A single kit zip file can quickly import and configure a project, report, issue, and evidence templates and properties, Rules Engine rules, methodologies, and sample projects. Admins can still tweak and configure Dradis manually; kits offer a simple way to jumpstart setup.
Azure DevOps / VSTS
Send any issue from a Dradis project to Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services / Team Foundation Server) to create a Work Item. Once sent, the Issue in Dradis displays the state of Work Item so you can keep track of remediation activities without leaving Dradis.
Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you deliver the results of security assessments, in a fraction of the time without the time-wasting frustration of creating manual reports.
What’s new in Dradis Pro v3.2
Here is Rachael with a quick video summary of what’s new in this release:
Integrated CVSSv3 Calculator
Quickly generate a CVSSv3 Risk score for an individual issue directly in Dradis. The CVSSv3 score calculator is now included as a tab on each issue for handy access. Edit the values on the calculator to populate the issue’s CVSSv3 details, including a valid vector string, with no need to copy and paste!
IssueLibrary ships with Dradis Pro⛵
Ever wish that the IssueLibrary wasn’t a separate installation and upgrade process from Dradis Pro? Wish no more! IssueLibrary is now bundled with Dradis Pro.
If you haven’t been using IssueLibrary, now is your pain-free opportunity to give it a spin. Cultivate a collection of your finest vulnerability descriptions to reuse across your Dradis Pro projects.
Already have vulnerability descriptions in another format outside of Dradis? Reach out to our support team and they can set you up to easily migrate them into IssueLibrary.
Upgrading from an earlier version of the IssueLibrary? You must first remove IssueLibrary before applying the DUP by deleting the IssueLibrary line from /opt/dradispro/dradispro/current/Gemfile.plugins.
IssueLibrary API endpoints
The IssueLibrary is the newest API endpoint to be added to Dradis Pro. Use this new endpoint to create, update, retrieve and delete IssueLibrary entries. Check out the IssueLibrary API guide for examples to get started.
For this release, we’ve squashed some pesky bugs and updated the system and its add-ons with new features that will make your team’s life easier.
The highlights of Dradis Pro v3.1
Added comments, subscriptions and notifications to notes
Added comments, subscriptions and notifications to evidence
Added comments, subscriptions and notifications to methodology cards
Pre-flight tool upload validator
Fix default tags creation bug
Allow numeric fields to be 0 when validating
Fix BI engine load error (hook into model load and not ActiveRecord load)
Fix overflow bug when editing report templates (issue sorting tab)
Updated how add-ons hook into the main menu
Fix error pages
Renamed clients to teams in the backend
Fix blockcode characters displaying incorrectly
Fix red dot still being displayed on the first visit to the page that caused the single unread notification
Fix wrong ‘There are no comments’ message
Escape HTML in comments
Track activities when multiple-creating evidence
Fix BI custom project properties
Better engine manifest hooks
Keep lists and cards order when exporting as XML
When errors found validating evidence, report with evidence id
Add-on enhancements:
Note and evidence comments in export/import in dradis-projects
Fix usage of set_property to use set_service in Nexpose plugin
Netsparker: Update cleanup_html to format content + add new fields
A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:
Comments for methodology cards, evidence, and notes
Comments, notifications, and subscriptions introduced in Dradis v3.0 have been extended to include methodology cards, notes, and evidence in projects. You can leave a comment tagging another user, subscribe to be notified of comments and receive notifications for cards, notes, evidence, and issues. All comments are included during project import/export with dradis-project.
Checking for empty fields
Dradis will check for empty fields when saving a field required by your template and when validating your project before exporting a report. Catching and correcting these empty fields before generating your report will help prevent the dreaded ambiguous cell mapping Word error.
Pre-flight tool upload validator
While uploading output from a tool into a project, Dradis will check your Plugin Manager configuration against your report template configuration. If your template is configured to require a “Recommendations” field but no #[recommendation]# field is defined in the Plugin Manager for this output file type, Dradis will throw a warning.
For this release, we’ve squashed some pesky bugs and updated the system and its add-ons with new features that will make your team’s life easier.
The highlights of Dradis Pro v3.0
Add comments for issues
Add notifications for comments
Add subscriptions for issues in a project
Nest the dradis elements under the project scope
Add ‘Send to…’ menu for issues
Add better handling of the Services table
Use puma for the development and test server
Remove resque dependency
Improve redirect on Evidence#edit
Alphabetically sort ContentBlocks
Validate empty fields
Fix exporting with bc.. prepended with a newline
Fix password reset thor task
Fix cookie overflow
Fix license redirection
Fix missing lists bug
Add-on enhancements:
Add references and vulnerability_classifications fields in the Burp plugin
Fix formatting errors and hostname Node property in the Burp plugin
Fix vertical buttons for the CVSS calculator
Fix issue sorting in HTML export
Split services data in the Metasploit, Nessus, Nmap plugin
Update fields template in Nessus plugin
Add CVSS fields for the Netsparker plugin
Resolve nested duplicate content in Paragraph tags in the Nexpose plugin
Better handle finding `id`s in Nikto plugin
Smart table header for the IssueLibrary
Bugs fixed: #102, #118, #321
The IssueLibrary must be updated after you upgrade! Contact support for the files.
A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:
Comments, notifications, and subscriptions
You can now comment on issues within projects. You can also tag other members of your team in a comment, or subscribe to a conversation.
If a team member is tagged in a comment or subscribed to a conversation that has received a comment, they will see a notification when they open their project.
One project per tab
You may now have multiple projects open in several tabs of your browser. You are now able to switch freely between projects and tabs altering their content in any order – a boon for multitaskers!
API endpoints for Content Blocks and Document Properties
For users of our REST API, we have now added endpoints for Content Blocks and Document Properties. Now you may create, update, retrieve, and delete Content Blocks and Document Properties through the API.