Category Archives: Dradis_Pro

Posts about features, announcements and updates of Dradis Professional Edition.

New in Dradis Pro v3.0

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

For this release, we’ve squashed some pesky bugs and updated the system and its add-ons with new features that will make your team’s life easier.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v3.0

  • Add comments for issues
  • Add notifications for comments
  • Add subscriptions for issues in a project
  • Nest the dradis elements under the project scope
  • Add ‘Send to…’ menu for issues
  • Add better handling of the Services table
  • Use puma for the development and test server
  • Remove resque dependency
  • Improve redirect on Evidence#edit
  • Alphabetically sort ContentBlocks
  • Validate empty fields
  • Fix exporting with bc.. prepended with a newline
  • Fix password reset thor task
  • Fix cookie overflow
  • Fix license redirection
  • Fix missing lists bug
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Add references and vulnerability_classifications fields in the Burp plugin
    • Fix formatting errors and hostname Node property in the Burp plugin
    • Fix vertical buttons for the CVSS calculator
    • Fix issue sorting in HTML export
    • Split services data in the Metasploit, Nessus, Nmap plugin
    • Update fields template in Nessus plugin
    • Add CVSS fields for the Netsparker plugin
    • Resolve nested duplicate content in Paragraph tags in the Nexpose plugin
    • Better handle finding `id`s in Nikto plugin
    • Smart table header for the IssueLibrary
  • Bugs fixed: #102, #118, #321
The IssueLibrary must be updated after you upgrade! Contact support for the files.
A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

Comments, notifications, and subscriptions

You can now comment on issues within projects.  You can also tag other members of your team in a comment, or subscribe to a conversation.

If a team member is tagged in a comment or subscribed to a conversation that has received a comment, they will see a notification when they open their project.

One project per tab

You may now have multiple projects open in several tabs of your browser.  You are now able to switch freely between projects and tabs altering their content in any order – a boon for multitaskers!

API endpoints for Content Blocks and Document Properties

For users of our REST API, we have now added endpoints for Content Blocks and Document Properties. Now you may create, update, retrieve, and delete Content Blocks and Document Properties through the API.

Ready to upgrade to v3.0?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you are missing out on:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

New in Dradis Pro v2.9

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

For this release, we’ve squashed some pesky bugs and updated the system and its add-ons with new features that will make your team’s life easier.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.9

  • Added bulk view (and multi delete) for a node’s notes and evidences.
  • Added the trash functionality to content blocks
  • Added the Methodology tasks and content blocks to the search
  • Added report content attachments
  • Added validation for block groups with empty names
  • Fixed nested lists in exported reports
  • Fixed the multi-deletion of issues
  • Fixed the ghost nodes issue
  • Fixed the project import and export with missing users
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Added trend analysis for the Business Intelligence add-on
    • Added node properties to the Acunetix and Qualys plugin
    • Added metric-specific fields to the CVSS calculator
    • Fixed the encoding error for the Burp upload plugin
    • Fixed the export errors for the HTML export plugin
  • Bugs fixed: #173#349, #354

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

List View for Notes and Evidences

You can now view the evidences of a node as a list. This comes with the bonus of being able to delete them in bulk!

The same goes for the notes in a node!

Business Intelligence Trend Analysis

With the addition of trend analysis to the Business Intelligence add-on, you can now compare 2 or more projects so you can easily visualize the ongoing trends between them.

Report Content Attachments

Just like attachments for nodes, you can now add attachments for your content blocks!

Ready to upgrade to v2.9?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

New in Dradis Pro v2.8

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

For this zippy release, we’ve added a few features and fixed a few bugs to make your reporting life easier.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.8

  • Added the content blocks feature
  • Added delete option for document properties
  • Added Excel export through the command line
  • Allow .xlsx and .xlsm templates.
  • Added “Default for template” in Evidence multi-add form.
  • New add-on:
    • Netsparker upload
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Update Nessus plugin to include CVSSv3 fields
    • Added HTTPS Support for the Mediawiki plugin
    • Added content blocks service in dradis-plugins
  • Bugs fixed: #150#157, #332.

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:


Content Blocks

The new content blocks feature makes adding notes to your report a lot easier. Gone are the days when you have to tediously add a node, add a note to it then set a category, only for you to forget it a few days later.

Document Property Deletion

We’ve added a way for teams to be able to delete unused document properties from their projects. You won’t have to worry about them cluttering your project anymore!

Ready to upgrade to v2.8?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

New in Dradis Pro v2.7

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

For this release, we’ve added shiny new features to make reporting and collaborating with your team much easier.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.7

  • New Excel exporter
  • New Report Content page for custom document properties
  • v2 Methodology Admin templates
  • Methodology actions included in the activity feed
  • Independent scrolling for Methodology Lists
  • User profile image in the navbar
  • Word reports:
    • IssueCounters nested in Nodes work as expected.
    • New EvidenceCounter content controls.
    • Fixed handling of array properties
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Improved the Qualys plugin data representation
    • Updated the Nexpose plugin with Evidence templates
    • Improved the Nexpose plugin parsing issues
    • Added mouseover details to the CVSSv3 calculator
    • Improved to the Dradis Plugins Content Service
    • Fixed Dradis Plugins import for extremely long descriptions
  • Fix plugin upload and export thor task errors
  • Bugs fixed: #119, #347

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

Excel Exporter

You can now export your projects to Excel! If you ever need to manipulate data and/or perform calculations for your exports, you can do this with customized formulas in Excel. How cool is that?

Here’s a sample of what your Excel report could look like:

Document Properties

With the new Report Content section, you can now define Document Properties for your project. No need to look for that misplaced properties note that you made ages ago!

New Methodologies Templates

To augment the improvements to the Methodology from the previous release, we’re adding the ability to add Methodology templates with the new Lists and Tasks. Go brethren! You are now free from the shackles of Pending and Done!

Ready to upgrade to v2.7?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

Attachments API using ruby

One of the latest additions in Dradis Pro release 2.6.0 was the attachments API. Until now that was only available using the web interface:

Web interface attachments widget, instead of attachments api new endpoint

Web interface attachments widget

As documented here that new API endpoint allows to manipulate node attachments via REST requests. Here there are a couple of examples, using curl.

Read attachments associated to a specific node:

curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"' \
 -H 'Dradis-Project-Id: 8' \

The response to this request is a JSON list of attachments in that node:

    "filename": "burp.xml",
    "link": "/nodes/18/attachments/burp.xml"
    "filename": "screenshot.png",
    "link": "/nodes/18/attachments/screenshot.png"

This is a request to attach some other files to that node:

curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"' \
 -H 'Dradis-Project-Id: 8' \
 -X POST \
 -F 'files[]=@/your/local/path/image1.png' -F 'files[]=@/your/local/path/image2.png' \

The response to this request is a JSON list containing the new attachments info:

    "filename": "image1.png",
    "link": "/nodes/18/attachments/image1.png"
    "filename": "image2.png",
    "link": "/nodes/18/attachments/image2.png"

In addition in this post we would like to extend that documentation providing examples on how to do that using a programming language. Since Dradis is implemented in ruby, here is how we could do that in ruby.

Using ruby there are many libraries that allow us to perform http requests, from the basic
already included ‘net/http‘ to more high level options like ‘rest_client‘, ‘faraday‘, etc…

We will show basic examples using these three mentioned options.
For each option we provide two examples:

  1. a request to get all attachments in a node
  2. a requests to upload a couple of files to a node (in the attachments endpoint many files can be uploaded with a single request).

If you intend to use the examples below, remember that you should use your virtual appliance IP instead of ‘dradis.ip‘. Also change the token, project id and node id in the examples to your own values.

Attachments API using ‘rest-client’ ruby gem:

First of all we will need to install the ‘rest-client’ ruby gem. It can be installed with:

gem install rest-client

Read attachments associated to a specific node:

require 'rest_client'
    'Authorization' => 'Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"',
    'Dradis-Project-Id' => '8'

Attach some other files to that node:

require 'rest_client'
    'files' => ["/your/local/path/image1.png", 'rb'),"/your/local/path/image2.png", 'rb')
    'Authorization' => 'Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"',
    'Dradis-Project-Id' => '8'

Attachments API using ‘faraday’ ruby gem:

To install faraday:

gem install faraday

In this case we are trying to reuse the same connection, probably useful when building a script that sends many requests to the same endpoint.

require 'faraday'

# Establish connection
conn =
  url: 'http://dradis.ip/pro/api/nodes/18/attachments',
  headers: {
    'Authorization' => 'Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"',
    'Dradis-Project-Id' => '8'
) do |faraday|
  faraday.request :multipart
  faraday.adapter :net_http

# Read attachments associated to a specific node:
get = conn.get
puts get.body

# Attach some other files to that node
post =
    'files' => ["/your/local/path/image1.png", 'image/png'),"/your/local/path/image2.png", 'image/png')
puts post.body

Attachments API using ruby ‘net/http’:

‘net/http’ is part of the ruby standard library, so if you already have ruby nothing else should be installed to run this script. As a counterpart this option works at a lower level than the previous ones, therefore the code looks a bit more complex.

require 'net/http'

uri = URI('http://dradis.ip/pro/api/nodes/18/attachments')

Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
  # Read attachments associated to a specific node:
  get_request = uri
  get_request['Authorization'] = 'Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"'
  get_request['Dradis-Project-Id'] = '8'
  get_response = http.request(get_request)
  puts get_response.body

  # Attach some other files to that node:
  BOUNDARY = "AaB03x"
  file1 = '/your/local/path/image1.png'
  file2 = '/your/local/path/image2.png'

  post_body = []

  post_body << "--#{BOUNDARY}\r\n"

  post_body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files[]\"; filename=\"#{File.basename(file1)}\"\r\n"
  post_body << "Content-Type: image/png\r\n"
  post_body << "\r\n"
  post_body <<

  post_body << "\r\n--#{BOUNDARY}\r\n"

  post_body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files[]\"; filename=\"#{File.basename(file2)}\"\r\n"
  post_body << "Content-Type: image/png\r\n"
  post_body << "\r\n"
  post_body <<

  post_body << "\r\n--#{BOUNDARY}--\r\n"

  post_request = uri
  post_request['Authorization'] = 'Token token="iOEFCQDR-miTHNTjiBxObjWC"'
  post_request['Dradis-Project-Id'] = '8'
  post_request.body = post_body.join
  post_request["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data, boundary=#{BOUNDARY}"

  post_response = http.request(post_request)
  puts post_response.body

Final thoughts

In conclusion, sending requests to the API should be easy enough from any programming language. In the ruby case, using a specialized gem seems like the best choice.

New in Dradis Pro v2.6

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

Our first 2017 release, Dradis Pro v2.6 is loaded with some very interesting features to coordinate your team and generate better reports, faster.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.6

  • Better support for security testing methodologies (see below)
    • Organize tasks in a Kanban board (we ❤️ Trello too!)
    • Provide additional context, gather results, or set a due date for each task.
    • Assign tasks to different team members.
    • Keep Notes and information on each task.
    • Export Methodology details into your reports.
  • Merge multiple Issues in your project (see below)
  • Local Profile Pics (not just Gravatars!)
  • Redesigned error pages with the data you need for troubleshooting.
  • Edit / delete links for Evidence, Issues, and Notes from the sidebar.
  • Attachments HTTP API endpoint.
  • Validate Evidence fields.
  • Automatically generated Evidence Template.
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Updated Nessus Plugin to support files that are missing a plugin_output tag.
    • Updated Qualys Plugin to better handle tags in report content.
    • Updated Burp Plugin to detect non-base64 encoded files and binary request/response data.
    • Updated the Burp-Dradis connector to correct HTTPS errors.
  • Word reports:
    • Methodology and Task content controls let you provide fine-grained information about your testing methodology as part of your deliverables.
  • Fix XSS in Issues diff view.
  • Bugs fixed: #84, #104, #164, #206, #280, #316

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

Methodologies becomes a 1st class citizen of the framework

Methodologies now contain Lists and Tasks. Create custom Lists, add Tasks to the Lists, and move the cards from one List to the next.

Dradis Pro v2.6.0 includes an updated Methodologies feature. Move Tasks between lists.

You can also set due dates, assign cards to team members, and create fields within Task descriptions that can export into your reports.

Dradis Pro v2.6.0 includes an updated Methodologies feature. Create detailed Task descriptions, set due dates and assignees

Combine issues

Combine multiple Issues using our new merge feature. Just find and select the Issues that you want to combine:

Dradis Pro v2.6.0 includes a Merge Issues feature

You can combine them into a brand new Issue or into one of the existing Issues.

Dradis Pro v2.6.0 includes a Merge Issues feature. Combine multiple Issues into a new target Issue.

Ready to upgrade to v2.6?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

Dradis Framework Founder’s Letter – 2017

Good Software Takes Ten Years. I didn’t know that when we started back in 2007, but I’ve come to terms with that rule since then. A lot can change in 9 years. You can go from the first commit of an internal project released as open-source to a small, independent, self-funded software team that is making a difference for 300+ teams in 34 countries around the world.

Did I have a clue about where we’d get in 9 years when I pushed that first commit? Most definitely not. Was I confident that we’d be working with 1,000s of InfoSec experts every day when I quit my security consulting job over 2 years ago to concentrate my efforts on Dradis Pro full time? Not even close. Do we have a clue about where we’re heading over the next 2 years? We have clues but most likely, we really don’t know. But that’s fine, we’re not alone in this journey. We’re bringing our entire community along with us. And most importantly, we have the freedom to choose where we’re heading.

We don’t have investors so we can keep our users front and center. Were trying to grow as slowly as possible. By focusing on the fundamentals, we’ve managed to get this far. And, we’re sticking to the same approach going forwards: do the work, keep our users happy, and care about their long term success.

A brief history of our project

Just to put things into perspective, here is what working on the same piece of software every single day for 9 years did:

  • Dec 2007: Start working on an internal tool for pentest collaboration.
  • Jan 2008: Release Dradis Framework as open-source.
  • …3,000 code commits.
  • Jul 2011: Launch a side-business offering additional functionality and official support (Dradis Professional announcement).
  • …work with 140 teams, 17 new releases, 2,967 commits.
  • Feb 2014: Make the side-business our main business.
  • …7 new releases, 782 commits.
  • Mar 2015: Welcome Rachael, our second full-time member of the team
  • …13 new releases, 2,503 commits…

The last 12 months

With the growth in the Dradis Pro side of things, we have been able to reinvest a lot of man-hours in Dradis Community Edition. It’s our way to give back to the community that helped us along the way. The code was refreshed and updated. Many of the enhancements that were created for the Pro edition were backported to CE. Plus, the documentation was rewritten, step-by-step guides were created, and screencasts were recorded. We also created and released OWASP, PTES, HIPAA and OSCP compliance packages with testing checklists, report templates and more.

Dradis Community edition GitHub repo commits in 2016

The activity in the Dradis CE repo shows how a lot of this effort was concentrated earlier in the year to sync the CE and Pro code bases (kudos to the GitLab team for the inspiration).

Our community is growing stronger than ever. We’re averaging 400 git clones each week. Plus, we have a thriving Slack channel and dozens of new threads in our community forums.

Dradis community edition is being downloaded an average of 400 times per weekWhat we are going to be focusing on over the next 12 months

Over the last 12 months, we’ve pushed 11 new releases of Dradis Pro. From performance and interface to functionality and stability, we’ve noticeably improved every single aspect of the app. The product today is in a completely different category from where it was 12 months ago. And still,  there is so much room to grow, refine, and improve!

2017 is exciting for us in many ways. We’re now working with over 300+ teams. This is a challenge, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Plus, this the first time that we have a small team of very talented people working full time on taking care of product development and user experience.

I’m sure that the speed at which we’ll be making progress is going to feel break-neck. I can’t wait to see the things that we’re going to be able to build with you and for you and the rest our community.

To our best year ever,


New in Dradis Pro v2.5

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and automated reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

Before the end of 2016, we’re excited to bring you Dradis Pro v2.5 with updates and upgrades across the product.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.5

  • Trash feature to restore deleted content (see below)
  • Hide expand button in Nodes tree when Node has no children
  • Add multiple Nodes at the same time (see below)
  • Automatically generated Issue template from Report Template Properties (see below)
  • Improved Project Validation error messages
  • Performance upgrades (Russian doll caching)
  • Add-on enhancements:
    • Include CVSSv3 scores in the Acunetix plugin
    • Accommodate Severity Recasting in the Nessus plugin
    • Update Nmap plugin Services table and NSE data
  • New add-ons:
    • Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) upload
  • Word reports:
    • Filter Evidence content controls
  • Bugs fixed: #215, #256, #268, #327, #334, #336, #337, #338, #340

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

Trash Feature

Use the trash feature to recover your deleted content and restore. You can filter the Trash contents to find that one Issue that you need to restore. Then, add it back into your project with a single click.

Recover your deleted content with the trash feature in Dradis Pro v2.5


Multi-add Nodes

No more adding one Node at a time. Now you can use the new “Add multiple” option when you’re creating Nodes. Just paste in a list of Nodes to create all of them at the same time.

Add more than one Node at a time in Dradis Pro v2.5

Issue template from Report Template Properties

You’re already using the Report Template Properties for automatic validation, right? We’ve extended the Issue fields even further to help make your life easier. First, define the Issue fields in your Report Template Properties:

Use your report template properties to automatically generate an Issue template in Dradis Pro v2.5

Then, when you manually create an Issue, you’ll notice a new option in the dropdown. Select Default for template and Dradis will automatically pull in the Issue fields from your Report Template Properties to create your Issue template.

Select Default for template to automatically create an Issue template from your report template properties in Dradis v2.5

If you specified values for your text field, they’ll even appear in a list so that you can be sure that your Issue has the fields and values that your report template is looking for.

Your Issue template is automatically created from your report template's Issue Fields in Dradis Pro v2.5
Ready to upgrade to v2.5?

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the 1-page summary.

New in Dradis Pro v2.4

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and automated reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

This month we’re pleased to bring you Dradis Pro v2.4 with some long-requested improvements.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.4

  • Project-wide search (see below)
  • UI improvements (see below)
  • Copying of Report Template Properties
  • Word reports
    • Better file extension handling in Windows
  • Minor bug fixing.

A quick video summary of what’s new in this release:

Project search

It is now possible to perform a project-wide full-text search against Evidence, Issues, Nodes and Notes:

A screenshot showing the "All" tab with results for a "DNS" search

A screenshot from the Search results page showing only Node matches

UI improvements

Dradis is used by over 270 teams in 33 countries around the world. When people are using your platform to edit and generate content in languages as varied as Simplified Chinese, Slovenian or Turkish, it becomes very easy to spot and squash internationalisation and character encoding bugs.

With this release we’ve made sure that Tags fully support names encoded in UTF-8:

A screenshot showing a tag in simplified Chinese

Evidence multi-add

It is not uncommon to need to link the same Issue to a number of hosts in your project. We’ve redesigned the UI to make this task a lot simpler:

  • Select the Evidence template you need (or start with a blank slate).
  • Tick off the relevant items from the Existing Hosts list.
  • If needed, paste list of new IP addresses that will be added to the project and also associated with your Issues.

A screenshot showing the new Add Evidence feature that lets you select existing nodes from a list, or paste a list of IP address.

Validate on save

Teams working with Dradis normally need to use a number of different report templates (e.g. one for vulnerability assessments and one for social engineering). To make it easy for users to remember what information they need to provide on each template we’re now validating the contents supplied by the user against the individual template requirements so we can present a warning if the content doesn’t match the template’s expectations:

A screenshot showing warnings about missing fields and mismatched values in a recently created issue.

Optimistic locking

Have you ever been in a situation where just after updating an Issue or Note, you find out that one of your team mates was also editing that feature? From now on, Dradis will warn you when someone else has been modifying the content you were busy with, so you have the peace of mind to know you’re always working on the latest version of the content:

A screenshot showing how Dradis detects a modification to the content you were just trying to edit.

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the the 1-page summary.

New in Dradis Pro v2.3

Dradis Professional Edition is a collaboration and automated reporting tool for information security teams that will help you create the same reports, in a fraction of the time.

This month we’re pleased to bring you Dradis Pro v2.3 with some interesting additions.

The highlights of Dradis Pro v2.3

  • Smart issues table (see below):
    • Filter / search contents
    • Custom columns
    • Show / hide columns
  • Tabbed view for: Issues, Notes and Evidence (see below)
  • Admin > Templates > Reports improvements
  • Admin > Templates > Projects improvements
  • Redesign of empty views: project, issues, methodologies
  • Add-on enhancements
    • Acunetix: better code / syntax parsing
    • OpenVAS: bug fixing
    • – Project export: improve SQL efficiency
  • Methodologies module
    • Fix task status handler (tasks w/ special chars)
    • Progressive design enhancements
    • New coverage: Notes, Evidence
    • Track API actions in Activity Feed
  • Word reports
    • Image captions (see below)
    • Fix bug w/ special chars in Node labels
  • Security fixes
  • Bugs fixed: #324, #325

Smart issues table

Dradis is used by over 270 teams in 33 countries around the world. Each team has a very different way of structuring their findings. With the new smart issues table, each user can decide what information should be presented on the screen for each project:

UI improvements

A few screenshots of the recent redesigns:

A screenshot of an Issue showing tabs for Information, Evidence and Activity

A screenshot showing the All Issues table with the new controls for filtering and showing/hiding columns.

A screenshot showing the Web Application Hacker's Handbook methodology

Word image captions in action

You can now specify the caption associated with your screenshots so it appears in your reports:

A screenshot showing how to specify the caption for an image

Hover the image to show the associated caption:

A screenshot showing Dradis rendering an image with a caption.

And select a custom Caption style for your Word image captions:

A screenshot showing a Word document with an image and a caption

Still not using Dradis in your team?

These are some of the benefits you’re missing out:

Read more about Dradis Pro’s time-saving features, what our users are saying, or if you want to start from the beginning, read the the 1-page summary.