Upgrading from Dradis 2.7.0 to 2.7.1

This week we are releasing Dradis Framework 2.7.1 which closes several bugs and brings a new note editor.

If you’re new to Dradis or upgrading from an older (2.6.x, 2.5.x…) release, go ahead and download the full package from the downloads page.

However, if you already have a working install of Dradis 2.7.0 maybe you don’t want to run the Windows installer again, or wait until your distro prepares an updated version of the package (did you know that BackTrack 5 shipped with Dradis 2.7.0?). Here is how to get the latest 2.7.1 code up and running.

Go to your install location:

In Windows:

c:\> cd %APPDATA%\dradis-2.7

In BackTrack:

# cd /pentest/misc/dradis

Backup the old server folder:

# mv server 2.7.0-server

Now you have a decision to make: upgrade to 2.7.1 or clone the Dradis repository so you can upgrade to 2.7.1 but also to any forthcoming releases (recommended)

Upgrading to 2.7.1

Download and uncompress the tarball for Dradis server 2.7.1 from GitHub:


Uncompress in the drads-2.7 folder renaming the extracted directory to just server.

Using git repository for easy upgrading

From the current folder, clone Dradis git repository and point it to the latest release:

# git clone https://github.com/dradis/dradisframework.git server
# cd server
# git checkout -b REL-2.7.1 REL-2.7.1
# cd ..

Reset the environment and run the server

# ./reset.sh
# ./start.sh

If everything goes according to plan, you can now access Dradis on https://localhost:3004/ and in the top-right corner the version number will be 2.7.1.

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