Monthly Archives: May 2011

Windows cannot find ‘blunder’ error on Dradis 2.7.1

Update May/26: An updated installer has been published that fixes the issue described below and is available through the download page.

The Dradis 2.7.1 Windows package (dradis-v2.7.1-setup.exe) that we released yesterday contains a typo in in one of the batch files: server.bat.

If you try to run the file directly or through the Start menu start server icon, you will get an error message:

Windows cannot find ‘blundler’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.

In order to fix this open the file in an editor (go to the Start menu icon, right click > Edit) and adjust it to:

@echo off

::If the script doesn't work, uncomment and adjust the following:
set PATH=c:\Ruby187\bin;%PATH%
set RAILS_ENV=production
set BASE=%~dp0
cd %BASE%\server\

start "Dradis Framework Server (Ctrl+C to terminate)" bundle exec rails server webrick

Thanks to Doug Ipperciel for bringing this to our attention.


  1. Unknown said,its not working on my windows 8 version
    ON 16 DECEMBER 2012 AT 15:38
  2. Unknown said,my message says

    windows cannot find ‘bundle’.Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try againON 16 DECEMBER 2012 AT 15:41
  3. Unknown said,hey got it to work thanks my bad i install it on xp very simple then 7 then 8 pretty goodON 16 DECEMBER 2012 AT 17:20
  4. Anonymous said,not working on v 2.9 yetON 26 SEPTEMBER 2015 AT 04:36
  5. Unknown said,It works. Thank you for sharing. If you have problems with dll files, look there I had a problem with it, do not run the program’s. After fixes dll files, everything worked. Good luck.ON 2 JUNE 2016 AT 15:40

Dradis 2.7.1 released!

This bug-fixing release features:

  • Several closed issues: #3, #4, #6, #7, #8 and #10.
  • A cleaner, leaner note editor:

And all the goodness introduced in 2.7.0:

  • Improved command line API with Thor (thor -T to view all commands)
  • New Configuration Manager to handle all plugin config settings
  • New Upload Manager that runs uploads in the background and updates the interface through Ajax
  • New plugins:
  • Updated plugins:
    • Nessus plugin supports .nessus v2
    • Vuln::DB import updated to support the latest release
  • Bugs fixed: #2888332, #2973256
  • Update Rails to 3.0.6

download now

Upgrading from Dradis 2.7.0 to 2.7.1

This week we are releasing Dradis Framework 2.7.1 which closes several bugs and brings a new note editor.

If you’re new to Dradis or upgrading from an older (2.6.x, 2.5.x…) release, go ahead and download the full package from the downloads page.

However, if you already have a working install of Dradis 2.7.0 maybe you don’t want to run the Windows installer again, or wait until your distro prepares an updated version of the package (did you know that BackTrack 5 shipped with Dradis 2.7.0?). Here is how to get the latest 2.7.1 code up and running.

Go to your install location:

In Windows:

c:\> cd %APPDATA%\dradis-2.7

In BackTrack:

# cd /pentest/misc/dradis

Backup the old server folder:

# mv server 2.7.0-server

Now you have a decision to make: upgrade to 2.7.1 or clone the Dradis repository so you can upgrade to 2.7.1 but also to any forthcoming releases (recommended)

Upgrading to 2.7.1

Download and uncompress the tarball for Dradis server 2.7.1 from GitHub:

Uncompress in the drads-2.7 folder renaming the extracted directory to just server.

Using git repository for easy upgrading

From the current folder, clone Dradis git repository and point it to the latest release:

# git clone server
# cd server
# git checkout -b REL-2.7.1 REL-2.7.1
# cd ..

Reset the environment and run the server

# ./
# ./

If everything goes according to plan, you can now access Dradis on https://localhost:3004/ and in the top-right corner the version number will be 2.7.1.

Dradis 2.7.1 released!

This bug-fixing release features:

  • Several closed issues: #3, #4, #6, #7, #8 and #10.
  • A cleaner, leaner note editor:

And all the goodness introduced in 2.7.0:

  • Improved command line API with Thor (thor -T to view all commands)
  • New Configuration Manager to handle all plugin config settings
  • New Upload Manager that runs uploads in the background and updates the interface through Ajax
  • New plugins:
  • Updated plugins:
    • Nessus plugin supports .nessus v2
    • Vuln::DB import updated to support the latest release
  • Bugs fixed: #2888332, #2973256
  • Update Rails to 3.0.6

download now

Open-source project released: passdb

On Wednesday we released passdb a Ruby gem to search’s default password database.

We have decided to host our gem’s source code in GitHub (which we will be using in the future to host all our open-source contributions). Find the repository, documentation and install instructions in:

Future plans for the library include adding an option to submit new entries, so the guys at can keep their database updated with the latest additions.

Feel free to fork and submit pull requests. If you find the library useful or have suggestions for improvements, we will love to hear about them.